25 MCQ on Population and Development

25 MCQ on Population and Development

25 MCQ on Population and Development 

1. "Demography" is the study of: a) Population, including its size, structure, and distribution b) Economic development and growth c) Social and cultural practices d) Political systems and governance Answer: a) Population, including its size, structure, and distribution

2. The "Dependency Ratio" is a measure of the relationship between: a) The economically dependent population and the economically active population b) Birth rate and death rate c) The elderly population and the young population d) Total population and government expenditure Answer: a) The economically dependent population and the economically active population

3. "Population growth rate" is calculated as: a) (Birth rate - Death rate) + (Immigration rate - Emigration rate) b) (Birth rate + Death rate) / Total population c) (Birth rate + Death rate) x Total population d) (Birth rate - Death rate) x Total population Answer: a) (Birth rate - Death rate) + (Immigration rate - Emigration rate)

4. "Malthusian theory" suggests that population growth tends to: a) Exceed the availability of resources, leading to a crisis b) Stabilize at a certain level due to increased resource availability c) Follow a linear growth pattern regardless of resource availability d) Decrease as resources become scarce Answer: a) Exceed the availability of resources, leading to a crisis

5. "Age structure" of a population refers to: a) The distribution of individuals in different age groups in a population b) The ratio of males to females in a population c) The density of population in urban areas d) The distribution of population across various geographical regions Answer: a) The distribution of individuals in different age groups in a population

6. "Migration" is the movement of people: a) From one place to another, involving a change of residence b) Within the same community for work purposes c) Temporarily within a country for tourism d) From urban areas to rural areas Answer: a) From one place to another, involving a change of residence

7. "Population density" is calculated as: a) Total population / Total land area b) Total land area / Total population c) Total population x Total land area d) Total population - Total land area Answer: a) Total population / Total land area

8. "Urbanization" is the process of: a) Increasing the proportion of people living in urban areas b) Moving people from urban areas to rural areas c) Maintaining a balance between urban and rural populations d) Industrializing urban centers Answer: a) Increasing the proportion of people living in urban areas

9. The "Demographic Transition Model" describes the shift in population growth patterns through stages based on changes in: a) Birth rate and death rate b) Population density and migration c) Age structure and life expectancy d) Government policies and economic development Answer: a) Birth rate and death rate

10. "Overpopulation" occurs when: a) The population exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment b) The population remains below the carrying capacity of the environment c) The population is evenly distributed across all regions d) The birth rate is higher than the death rate Answer: a) The population exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment

11. "Family planning" primarily aims to: a) Control the number and spacing of children in a family b) Encourage large families c) Increase birth rates d) Control the death rate in families Answer: a) Control the number and spacing of children in a family

12. "Age dependency ratio" is the ratio of: a) The dependent population (ages 0-14 and 65+) to the working-age population (15-64) b) Birth rate to death rate c) The youth population (ages 15-24) to the elderly population (65+) d) The working-age population (15-64) to the total population Answer: a) The dependent population (ages 0-14 and 65+) to the working-age population (15-64)

13. "Replacement level fertility" is the average number of children a woman must have to: a) Replace herself and her partner in the population b) Achieve zero population growth c) Exceed the death rate d) Stabilize the population at its current level Answer: a) Replace herself and her partner in the population

14. "Youth bulge" refers to: a) A situation where a large proportion of a country's population is young (typically aged 15-24) b) A decline in the youth population c) An increase in the elderly population d) A decrease in the overall population Answer: a) A situation where a large proportion of a country's population is young (typically aged 15-24)

15. "Natural increase" in population is calculated as: a) Birth rate - Death rate b) Birth rate + Death rate c) Birth rate x Death rate d) Birth rate / Death rate 

Answer: a) Birth rate - Death rate

16. The "one-child policy" was a population control measure implemented in which country? a) China b) India c) United States d) Brazil Answer: a) China

17. "Population pyramid" is a graphical representation of a population's: a) Age and sex distribution b) Density and migration patterns c) Urban and rural distribution d) Employment and occupation distribution Answer: a) Age and sex distribution

18. "Net migration rate" is calculated as: a) (Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants) / Total population b) (Number of immigrants + Number of emigrants) / Total population c) (Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants) x Total population d) Total population / (Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants) Answer: a) (Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants) / Total population

19. "Age-specific fertility rate" measures the number of live births per: a) 1,000 women in a specific age group (e.g., 15-19, 20-24, etc.) b) 10,000 women in a specific age group c) 100 women in a specific age group d) 1,000 men in a specific age group Answer: a) 1,000 women in a specific age group (e.g., 15-19, 20-24, etc.)

20. The "population momentum" refers to: a) The tendency for a population to continue to grow for a period, even after fertility has declined, due to a high proportion of young individuals b) The sudden decrease in population due to a catastrophe c) The stabilization of population growth after reaching a certain level d) The influence of migration on population growth Answer: a) The tendency for a population to continue to grow for a period, even after fertility has declined, due to a high proportion of young individuals

21. "Doubling time" refers to the time it takes for a population to: a) Double its current size at a constant growth rate b) Halve its current size at a constant growth rate c) Quadruple its current size at a constant growth rate d) Stabilize its growth Answer: a) Double its current size at a constant growth rate

22. "Replacement migration" is the idea of compensating for declining population through: a) Immigration of young individuals from other countries b) Increased birth rates within the country c) Encouraging the elderly to have more children d) Encouraging emigration of elderly individuals Answer: a) Immigration of young individuals from other countries

23. "Demographic dividend" refers to the economic benefit arising from: a) A decline in fertility and mortality, resulting in a larger working-age population b) An increase in birth rates and a youthful population c) A stable population structure with equal proportions of young and old individuals d) A decline in migration rates Answer: a) A decline in fertility and mortality, resulting in a larger working-age population

24. "Ageing population" refers to a population with a higher proportion of individuals: a) Aged 65 and above b) Aged 45 and above c) Aged 30 and above d) Aged 18 and above Answer: a) Aged 65 and above

25. The "zero population growth" occurs when: a) Birth rate equals the death rate, resulting in no population growth b) Birth rate is higher than the death rate, resulting in a growing population c) Death rate is higher than the birth rate, resulting in a declining population d) Migration rate equals the birth rate, resulting in a stable population 

Answer: a) Birth rate equals the death rate, resulting in no population growth 


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