Social Work MCQ on Disability



1) Which of the following is an example of a Specific Learning Disability?

a)         Mental Retardation

b)        Dyslexia

c)         ADHD

d)        Autistic spectrum disorders

Answer -D

2. Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?

a)         Dyslexia

b)        ADHD

c)         Mental Retardation

d)        autistic spectrum disorders


3. An example of a Developmental Disorder is:

a)         ADHD

b)        Dyslexia

c)         Mental Retardation

d)        Autistic spectrum disorders


4.What do you mean by disabitliy?

a)        A physical disability is a physical condition that affects a person's mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity.

b)        A physicla disability is a physical weakness.

c)        A Person who physically disable to perform cetain task.

d)        All the above.

Answer -D

5.Which among the following is not the type of disability?

a)        Physical dissability

b)        Mental disability

c)        Learning disability

d)        Climb disability

Answer -D

6.The following is the characteristc of disability.

a)        Intellectual

a)        Physical

b)        sensory

c)        All the above


7.What is intellecutal disability?

a)        Find communication and daily living skills hard, and also have difficulty with abstract concepts such as money and time.

b)        Filed to understand concept and subjects.

c)        Unable to recognize and cope

d)        All the above

Answer- A

8. In learning disabilities, the name for mathematical disorder is:


a)        Dyslexia

b)        Dyscalculia

c)        Dysphasia

Answer - C

9.Accoridng to World Health organizatoin,how many dimension disablity has?

a)        1

b)        2

c)        4

d)        3

Answer -D

10. Which is not the dimension of disability ?

a)        Impairment

b)        Active Limitation

c)        Particpation  restriction

d)        Social restriction

Answer -D

11. Disability can be:

a)        Disorders in single genes (for example, Duchenne muscular dystrophy);

b)        Disorders of chromosomes (for example, Down syndrome); and

c)        ohe result of the mother’s exposure during pregnancy to infections (for example, rubella) or substances, such as alcohol or cigarettes.

d)        All the above

Answer -D

12. What was the number of disable people of India according to the Census 2011?

a)        1 lakh

b)        21 millinon people

c)        10 lakh

d)        10,thousand

Answer - B

13. Which of the following criteria can be used to define Intellectual disabilities?

Significantly below average intellectual functioning

Impairments in adaptive functioning generally

These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years

All the above

Answer -D

14.  Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual impairment with a measurable IQ usually between:

a)        45-50

b)        55-60

c)        35-55.

d)        25-35

Answer -C

15. Intellectual disability characterised by

a)        Significant impairment in cognitive and adaptive behavior

b)        It describe this condition has gone under constant change over the years due to social and political compulsion

c)        A and B Wrong

d)        A  and B Correct

Answer -D

16.What is intellectual disability?

a)        Intellectual disabilities are disorders that originate before 18 years of age

b)        possibly resulting from physical causes such as cerebral palsy, autism, or non-physical causes such as lack of stimulation

c)        Intellectual disorders are characterized by a limited mental capacity and difficulty with adaptive behaviors such as handling routines or social situations.

d)        ABC are correct

Answer -D

17. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery?

a)        Anoxia

b)        Pronoxia

c)        Anaphylaxia

d)        Dysnoxia

Answer - A

18.The quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities can be improved significantly with the help of basic training procedures that will equip them with a range of skills depending on their level of disability. The application of learning theory to training in these areas is also known as:

a)Applied cognitive approaches

b Applied treatment analysis

C-Cognitive behavioural therapy

D-Applied behaviour analysis

Answer -D



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