10 MCQ on Community organization

10 MCQ on Community organization

What is the primary goal of community organization in social group work?
A) To provide individual therapy to community members
B) To organize and mobilize community resources to address social issues
C) To provide housing and employment services to community members
D) To establish a hierarchical power structure within the community
Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a key principle of community organization in social group work?
A) Empowerment of community members
B) Collaboration and partnership with community members
C) Imposition of solutions by outside experts
D) Building on the strengths and assets of the community
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of a community organization strategy?
A) Providing counseling services to individual community members
B) Establishing a community garden to increase access to fresh produce
C) Offering job training to unemployed community members
D) All of the above
Answer: B

Which of the following is an important aspect of the assessment phase of community organization in social group work?
A) Identifying the strengths and assets of the community
B) Developing a comprehensive treatment plan for individual community members
C) Assigning blame for social problems to specific community members
D) Creating a hierarchical power structure within the community
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of a community-based organization?
A) A for-profit corporation
B) A government agency
C) A grassroots community group
D) An individual therapist
Answer: C

What is the role of the social group worker in community organization?
A) To impose solutions on the community
B) To provide individual therapy to community members
C) To facilitate collaboration and partnership among community members
D) To establish a hierarchical power structure within the community
Answer: C

Which of the following is an example of a community organization intervention?
A) Conducting individual therapy sessions with community members
B) Hosting a community-wide barbecue
C) Providing temporary financial assistance to individual community members
D) Organizing a neighborhood watch program
Answer: D

What is the purpose of community mapping in social group work?
A) To identify the strengths and assets of the community
B) To create a hierarchical power structure within the community
C) To assign blame for social problems to specific community members
D) To impose solutions on the community
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of a community organization outcome?
A) Increased self-esteem among individual community members
B) Reduction in crime rates in the community
C) Increased income for individual community members
D) All of the above
Answer: B

What is the ultimate goal of community organization in social group work?
A) To impose solutions on the community
B) To provide individual therapy to community members
C) To establish a hierarchical power structure within the community
D) To empower community members to address social issues
Answer: D


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