25 MCQ on Islam and Social Work

25 MCQ on Islam and Social Work

   25 MCQ on Islam and Social Work

 1. Question: What is the primary objective of social work in Islam?

a. Achieve material prosperity b. Attain spiritual liberation c. Enhance political power d. Promote social justice and welfare Answer: d. Promote social justice and welfare

2. Question: In Islam, what is the term for charitable giving and acts of kindness? a. Sadaqah b. Zakat c. Hajj d. Sawm Answer: a. Sadaqah

3. Question: Which Islamic principle emphasizes the importance of helping those in need, regardless of their faith? a. Tawhid b. Ihsan c. Zakat d. Dawah Answer: b. Ihsan

4. Question: What is the significance of "Zakat" in Islam concerning social work? a. Ritualistic worship b. Almsgiving and poverty alleviation c. Fasting during Ramadan d. Pilgrimage to Mecca Answer: b. Almsgiving and poverty alleviation

5. Question: Which Islamic principle promotes equality and fairness in social interactions? a. Adl (Justice) b. Taqwa (Piety) c. Shura (Consultation) d. Sabr (Patience) Answer: a. Adl (Justice)

6. Question: In Islam, what does "Khums" refer to in the context of social work? a. Charity during Hajj b. One-fifth tax on agricultural produce c. Almsgiving during Ramadan d. Voluntary charity to the poor Answer: b. One-fifth tax on agricultural produce

7. Question: What is the Islamic principle that emphasizes the importance of serving humanity as a religious duty? a. Tawakkul (Trust in Allah) b. Iman (Faith) c. Karam (Kindness) d. Kheir (Goodness) Answer: c. Karam (Kindness)

8. Question: According to Islam, what is the importance of "Umrah" in the context of social work? a. Spreading Islamic knowledge b. Providing healthcare to pilgrims c. Building mosques d. Performing charitable acts during pilgrimage Answer: d. Performing charitable acts during pilgrimage

9. Question: What is the Islamic concept of "Waqf" in the context of social welfare? a. Prohibition of alcohol b. Donating a portion of one's wealth to charity c. Daily prayers d. Fasting during Ramadan Answer: b. Donating a portion of one's wealth to charity

10. Question: Which Islamic value emphasizes the importance of caring for orphans and vulnerable children? a. Rahma (Mercy) b. Tazkiyah (Purification) c. Istiqamah (Consistency) d. Taqwa (Piety) Answer: a. Rahma (Mercy)

11. Question: What is the role of "Jihad" in Islam concerning social work? a. Promoting violence and warfare b. Advocating for peace and justice c. Engaging in political activism d. Encouraging pilgrimage to Mecca Answer: b. Advocating for peace and justice

12. Question: According to Islam, what does "Mizan" refer to in the context of social work? a. Balance and moderation b. Economic prosperity c. Political power d. Community gatherings Answer: a. Balance and moderation

13. Question: In Islam, what is the significance of "Silat ar-Rahim" concerning social work? a. Establishing Islamic law b. Upholding family ties and relationships c. Providing education to the poor d. Engaging in spiritual practices Answer: b. Upholding family ties and relationships

14. Question: According to Islam, what is the importance of "Tahaddi" in promoting social welfare? a. Self-improvement and growth b. Social networking and collaboration c. Pursuit of knowledge and education d. Competitive charity giving Answer: d. Competitive charity giving

15. Question: What does the term "Sadaqat al-Fitr" signify in Islam in the context of social welfare? a. Charity given during Hajj b. Charity given during Ramadan c. Charity for education d. Charity for orphans Answer: b. Charity given during Ramadan

16. Question: What does the term "Ihsan" mean in Islam concerning social work? a. Kindness and generosity b. Self-discipline and restraint c. Excellence in actions and intentions d. Honesty and truthfulness Answer: c. Excellence in actions and intentions

17. Question: In Islam, what is the importance of "Takaful" in promoting social welfare? a. Mutual cooperation and assistance b. Ritualistic prayers c. Pilgrimage to Mecca d. Fasting during Ramadan Answer: a. Mutual cooperation and assistance

18. Question: What is the Islamic principle that encourages Muslims to stand up for justice and equity? a. Taqwa (God-consciousness) b. Adalah (Justice) c. Tawakkul (Trust in Allah) d. Sabr (Patience) Answer: b. Adalah (Justice)

19. Question: What is the concept of "Qard al-Hasan" in Islam in the context of social work? a. Interest-free loan b. Charitable donation c. Business partnership d. Trade and commerce Answer: a. Interest-free loan

20. Question: In Islam, what is the principle that advocates taking care of one's health and well-being? a. Istiqamah (Consistency) b. Hifz al-Nafs (Self-preservation) c. Riyadat al-Nafs (Self-discipline) d. Tazkiyah (Purification) Answer: b. Hifz al-Nafs (Self-preservation)

21. Question: What is the Islamic concept that emphasizes helping those in distress or facing hardship? a. Rizq (Sustenance) b. Izzah (Dignity) c. Muwasaat (Compassion) d. Halal (Permissible) Answer: c. Muwasaat (Compassion)

22. Question: According to Islam, what is the role of "Hajj" in promoting social welfare? a. Fasting and self-discipline b. Unity and equality c. Almsgiving and charity d. Knowledge and education Answer: b. Unity and equality

23. Question: What does "Fidyah" mean in Islam in the context of social welfare? a. Fasting during Ramadan b. Monetary compensation for missed fasting c. Almsgiving during Hajj d. Volunteering for community service Answer: b. Monetary compensation for missed fasting

24. Question: What does "Sadaqat al-Jariyah" refer to in Islam concerning social welfare? a. Voluntary acts of worship b. Continuous charity and good deeds c. Pilgrimage to Mecca d. Spreading Islamic knowledge Answer: b. Continuous charity and good deeds

25. Question: According to Islamic teachings, what is the importance of "Shura" in promoting social welfare? a. Prayer and devotion b. Seeking consultation and consensus c. Almsgiving and charity d. Knowledge and education Answer: b. Seeking consultation and consensus


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