25 MCQ on Sikhism and Social Work

25 MCQ on Sikhism and Social Work

25 MCQ on Sikhism and Social Work

 1. Question: What is the primary objective of social work in Sikhism?

a. Attain spiritual liberation b. Promote economic growth c. Achieve material prosperity d. Serve humanity and promote equality Answer: d. Serve humanity and promote equality

2. Question: In Sikhism, what does "Seva" mean in the context of social work? a. Selfless service to others b. Personal enlightenment c. Monetary donations d. Political activism Answer: a. Selfless service to others

3. Question: Which Sikh principle emphasizes contributing a portion of one's earnings for community welfare? a. Vand Chakna b. Naam Japna c. Kirat Karni d. Seva Simran Answer: a. Vand Chakna

4. Question: According to Sikhism, what is the importance of "Langar" in promoting social harmony? a. Community gatherings for worship b. Providing free meals to all, regardless of background c. Ritualistic ceremonies d. Offering financial assistance to the needy Answer: b. Providing free meals to all, regardless of background

5. Question: What is the Sikh principle that advocates sharing one's wealth with the less fortunate? a. Sewa b. Kirat Karni c. Daan d. Simran Answer: c. Daan

6. Question: In Sikhism, what does "Sarbat da Bhala" signify concerning social work? a. Peace and tranquility b. Prosperity and wealth c. Well-being and good for all d. Service to the Guru Answer: c. Well-being and good for all

7. Question: Which Sikh Guru set the tradition of "Langar" in Sikhism? a. Guru Nanak Dev Ji b. Guru Gobind Singh Ji c. Guru Arjan Dev Ji d. Guru Angad Dev Ji Answer: a. Guru Nanak Dev Ji

8. Question: In Sikhism, what is the concept of "Dasvandh" concerning social work? a. Donating a tenth of one's earnings for community welfare b. Volunteering at the local Gurudwara c. Fasting during significant Sikh festivals d. Giving charity during pilgrimage Answer: a. Donating a tenth of one's earnings for community welfare

9. Question: Which Sikh value encourages caring for the environment and all living beings? a. Sarbat da Bhala b. Simran c. Sewa d. Pyaar (Love) Answer: a. Sarbat da Bhala

10. Question: What is the Sikh concept of "Pangat" in the context of social work? a. Sharing meals in the community kitchen b. Donating clothes to the needy c. Visiting the sick and elderly d. Engaging in peaceful protests Answer: a. Sharing meals in the community kitchen

11. Question: According to Sikhism, what is the importance of "Nishkam Sewa" in social work? a. Selfless and ego-less service b. Monetary contributions to the Gurudwara c. Social gatherings for discussions d. Fasting and prayers for community welfare Answer: a. Selfless and ego-less service

12. Question: What is the Sikh principle that emphasizes equality and breaking down social barriers? a. Sangat b. Pangat c. Simran d. Sarbat da Bhala Answer: b. Pangat

13. Question: In Sikhism, what does "Simran" signify concerning social work? a. Community prayer sessions b. Engaging in acts of kindness c. Meditative remembrance of God d. Distributing religious scriptures Answer: b. Engaging in acts of kindness

14. Question: According to Sikh philosophy, what is the ultimate purpose of social work? a. Attaining material success b. Achieving a high social status c. Serving the community and God d. Pursuing personal desires Answer: c. Serving the community and God

15. Question: What is the Sikh concept that emphasizes sharing resources and helping those in need? a. Daan b. Vand Chakna c. Kirat Karni d. Sewa Answer: b. Vand Chakna

16. Question: According to Sikhism, what does "Sant Sipahi" represent concerning social work? a. Military service for the community b. Service with a saintly heart c. Serving the underprivileged d. Pilgrimage to religious sites Answer: b. Service with a saintly heart

17. Question: What is the Sikh concept that emphasizes the importance of honest and fair living while supporting others? a. Naam Japna b. Sarbat da Bhala c. Seva d. Hukam Answer: a. Naam Japna

18. Question: According to Sikhism, what does "Sangat" signify in the context of social work? a. Serving the Guru b. Community gatherings for worship c. Helping the needy d. Financial contributions to the Gurudwara Answer: b. Community gatherings for worship

19. Question: What is the Sikh principle that promotes compassion and kindness towards all living beings? a. Daya (Compassion) b. Hukam (Divine Will) c. Sewa (Service) d. Amrit (Nectar) Answer: a. Daya (Compassion)

20. Question: According to Sikhism, what does "Guru Ka Langar" symbolize in social work? a. Free healthcare for the community b. Free education for the needy c. Equal distribution of wealth d. Providing free meals to all, regardless of background Answer: d. Providing free meals to all, regardless of background

21. Question: What is the Sikh principle that encourages speaking up for justice and standing against oppression? a. Dharam Yudh (Battle for righteousness) b. Sehaj (Inner peace) c. Bhagti (Devotion) d. Sewa (Service) Answer: a. Dharam Yudh (Battle for righteousness)

22. Question: According to Sikh teachings, what is the importance of "Benevolence" in social work? a. Offering prayers for the community b. Serving the elderly and children c. Financial contributions to the Gurudwara d. Providing financial aid to the needy Answer: d. Providing financial aid to the needy

23. Question: What is the Sikh principle that encourages engaging in honest labor and earning a livelihood through fair means? a. Kirat Karni b. Seva c. Simran d. Vand Chakna Answer: a. Kirat Karni

24. Question: According to Sikhism, what does "Guru Ka Fauj" signify concerning social work? a. Engaging in armed conflict for justice b. Community service and welfare c. Spreading religious propaganda d. Strict adherence to religious laws Answer: b. Community service and welfare

25. Question: What does the term "Chardi Kala" mean in Sikhism in the context of social welfare? a. Rising above adversity with a positive spirit b. Donating to religious organizations c. Engaging in meditation and prayer d. Engaging in political activism Answer: a. Rising above adversity with a positive spirit


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