40 MCQ on Research Methodology

40 MCQ on Research Methodology

40 MCQ on Research Methodology

40 MCQ on Research Methodology: Test your knowledge of research methods with this comprehensive set of multiple choice questions. Covering topics such as research design, sampling, data collection, and data analysis, these questions will help you prepare for exams, research projects, and other assessments.

A thesis, dissertation, academic journal article, or another formal research part frequently includes information on the researcher's methodology and approaches to the study. Understanding research methodology and the range of techniques and tools available to you will be helpful if you're designing a research study. Following MCQ on Research Methodology will help you to prepare for various examinations.

1-Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) Reliability ensures the validity
(B) Validity ensures reliability
(C) Reliability and validity are independent of each other
(D) Reliability does not depend on objectivity
Answer: (C)
2-Which of the following indicates evaluation?
(A) Ram got 45 marks out of 200
(B) Mohan got 38 percent marks in English
(C) Shyam got First Division in final examination
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)
3-Research can be conducted by a person who: 
(A) has studied research methodology
(B) holds a postgraduate degree
(C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability
(D) is a hard worker
Answer: (A)
4-Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis
(B) Researcher must possess analytical ability
(C) Variability is the source of problem
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)
5-Which of the following is not the Method of Research?
(A) Observation
(B) Historical
(C) Survey
(D) Philosophical
Answer: (A)
6- Research can be classified as:
(A) Basic, Applied and Action Research
(B) Quantitative and Qualitative Research
(C) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)
7-The first step of research is:
(A) Selecting a problem
(B) Searching a problem
(C) Finding a problem
(D) Identifying a problem
Answer: (D)
8 -To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses:
(A) t test
(C) X2
(D) factorial analysis
Answer: (B)
9-A research problem is feasible only when:
(A) it has utility and relevance
(B) it is researchable
(C) it is new and adds something to knowledge
(D) all the above
Answer: (D)
10-Bibliography given in a research report:
(A) shows vast knowledge of the researcher
(B) helps those interested in further research
(C) has no relevance to research
(D) all the above
Answer: (B)
11-Fundamental research reflects the ability to:
(A) Synthesize new ideals
(B) Expound new principles
(C) Evaluate the existing material concerning research
(D) Study the existing literature regarding various topics
Answer: (B)
12-The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as:
(A) Survey Research
(B) 'Ex-post Facto' Research
(C) Historical Research
(D) Summative Research
Answer: (B)
13-Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as:
(A) Data analysis and interpretation
(B) Parameter inference
(C) Statistical inference
(D) All of the above
Answer: (A)
14-The experimental study is based on:
(A) The manipulation of variables
(B) Conceptual parameters
(C) Replication of research
(D) Survey of literature
Answer: (A)
 15-The main characteristic of scientific research is:
(A) empirical
(B) theoretical
(C) experimental
(D) all of the above
Answer: (D)
16- Authenticity of a research finding is its:
(A) Originality
(B) Validity
(C) Objectivity
(D) All of the above
Answer: (C)
17-Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?
(A) Area Sampling Technique
(B) Purposive Sampling Technique
(C) Systematic Sampling Technique
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)
18-Research problem is selected from the stand point of:
(A) Researcher's interest
(B) Financial support
(C) Social relevance
(D) Availability of relevant literature
Answer: (C)
19-Which one is called non-probability sampling?
(A) Cluster sampling
(B) Quota sampling
(C) Systematic sampling
(D) Stratified random sampling
20-Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:
(A) Survey method
(B) Historical studies
(C) Experimental studies
(D) Normative studies
Answer: (B)
21-Field-work-based research is classified as:
(A) Empirical
(B) Historical
(C) Experimental
(D) Biographical
Answer: (A)
22-Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006?
(A) Cluster sampling
(B) Systematic sampling
(C) Quota sampling
(D) Stratified random sampling
Answer: (B)
23- The research is always -
(A) verifying the old knowledge
(B) exploring new knowledge
(C) filling the gap between knowledge
(D) all of these
Answer: (D)
24-The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is:
(A) Applied research
(B) Action research
(C) Experimental research
(D) None of these
Answer: (C)
25-When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is:
(A) Cluster Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Convenient Sampling
(D) Lottery Method
Answer: (B)
26-The process not needed in experimental research is:
(A) Observation
(B) Manipulation and replication
(C) Controlling
(D) Reference collection
Answer: (A)
27-A research problem is not feasible only when:
(A) it is researchable
(B) it is new and adds something to the knowledge
(C) it consists of independent and dependent variables
(D) it has utility and relevance
Answer: (C)
 28- How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced?
(A) Through its impartiality
(B) Through its reliability
(C) Through its validity
(D) All of these
Answer: (D)
29-Action-research is:
(A) An applied research
(B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems
(C) A longitudinal research
(D) All the above
Answer: (B)
30- The basis on which assumptions are formulated:
(A) Cultural background of the country
(B) Universities
(C) Specific characteristics of the castes
(D) All of these
Answer: (A)
31-Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research?
(A) Philosophical research
(B) Action research
(C) Descriptive research
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)
32-We use Factorial Analysis:
(A) To know the relationship between two variables
(B) To test the Hypothesis
(C) To know the difference between two variables
(D) To know the difference among the many variables
Answer: (C)
33-A null hypothesis is
(A) when there is no difference between the variables
(B) the same as research hypothesis
(C) subjective in nature
(D) when there is difference between the variables
Answer: (A)
34-The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called
(A) Philosophical research
(B) Historical research
(C) Mythological research
(D) Content analysis
Answer: (B)
35-Manipulation is always a part of
(A) Historical research
(B) Fundamental research
(C) Descriptive research
(D) Experimental research
Answer: (C)
36-Which correlation coefficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?
(A) 1.00
(B) 0.6
(C) 0.5
(D) 0.3
Answer: (A)
38-Research is
(A) Searching again and again
(B) Finding a solution to any problem
(C) Working in a scientific way to search for the truth of any problem
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)
39- A common test in research demands much priority on
(A) Reliability
(B) Useability
(C) Objectivity
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)
40-Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information to locate the problem.
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of the problem
(D) Searching for solutions to the problem
Answer: (A)


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